Quantum Jungle

Quantum Jungle is an interactive art installation that playfully visualizes Quantum Physics concepts on a large wall filled with over 1000 novel touch-sensitive metal springs and thousands of LEDs. It calculates Schrödinger's Equation to model the movement of a quantum particle, and demonstrates concepts such as superposition, interference, wave-particle duality, and quantum waveform collapse while maintaining a playful approach that attracts children and adults alike, sparking curiosity and wonder.

As Seen In:

Quantum Jungle has been designed to be accessible and fun for all ages

The scientific layer of the installation sits behind a colorful and playful interface

A lot of work went into the color mixing - some of it has scientific meaning and some is for aesthetic reasons

The design and construction of the hardware is a deliberate choice to complement the quantum scientific content: On one hand the springs and lights correspond directly to the particle-wave duality of quantum particles, and on the other hand the immediacy and tactility of the spring input are an intentional antithesis to how mysterious and beyond human grasp quantum effects are.

The interactions have been designed from scratch over several iterations to create a positively playful audience experience drawing on Robin Baumgarten’s artistic and technical background in both game design and designing low-level hardware: satisfying and ‘juicy’ interactions meet extremely high refresh-rates and low latency inputs on bespoke hardware. Together with a scientifically accurate implementation of Schrödinger's Equation, Quantum Jungle becomes an innovative and unique art installation that makes quantum mechanics more approachable and entertaining than ever before.

Currently on show here:

Khroma New Media Art Center
MotionLab Berlin (by appointment with me only)

Pisa University Physics Dep (by appointment)
soon at a new location in Rome

Miami Ironside (by appointment)

  The installation is designed to be modular in size and can be adapted to a range of different exhibition environments.  

Quantum Jungle Making-Of

Small Prototypes
First, I built a small version with 36 springs, and made a series of interactives for it. This is exhibited at ZKM Karlsruhe.
Quantum Garden
After the first prototype, I made the first larger version that simulated Quantum particles in collaboration with Aalto University.
Assembling the works
I used several maker spaces for my work, such as the South London Makerspace and the MotionLab Berlin
Quantum Garden
Quantum Garden was shown in several exhibitions, such as Experimenta Science Arts Biennale 2020 and Cybernetic Consciousness & Quantum Horizons in Sao Paulo
Assembling Larger Versions
Quantum Jungle is build in a modular system to allow installations in any shape and size in the future.
Circuit board detail
Quantum Jungle uses custom designed circuit boards that allow hundreds simultaneous touches and a smooth framerate of over 100 hz.
Small Prototypes
First, I built a small version with 36 springs, and made a series of interactives for it. This is exhibited at ZKM Karlsruhe.
Quantum Garden
After the first prototype, I made the first larger version that simulated Quantum particles in collaboration with Aalto University.
Assembling the works
I used several maker spaces for my work, such as the South London Makerspace and the MotionLab Berlin
Quantum Garden
Quantum Garden was shown in several exhibitions, such as Experimenta Science Arts Biennale 2020 and Cybernetic Consciousness & Quantum Horizons in Sao Paulo
Assembling Larger Versions
Quantum Jungle is build in a modular system to allow installations in any shape and size in the future.
Circuit board detail
Quantum Jungle uses custom designed circuit boards that allow hundreds simultaneous touches and a smooth framerate of over 100 hz.
Small Prototypes
First, I built a small version with 36 springs, and made a series of interactives for it. This is exhibited at ZKM Karlsruhe.
Quantum Garden
After the first prototype, I made the first larger version that simulated Quantum particles in collaboration with Aalto University.
Assembling the works
I used several maker spaces for my work, such as the South London Makerspace and the MotionLab Berlin
Quantum Garden
Quantum Garden was shown in several exhibitions, such as Experimenta Science Arts Biennale 2020 and Cybernetic Consciousness & Quantum Horizons in Sao Paulo
Assembling Larger Versions
Quantum Jungle is build in a modular system to allow installations in any shape and size in the future.
Circuit board detail
Quantum Jungle uses custom designed circuit boards that allow hundreds simultaneous touches and a smooth framerate of over 100 hz.
Using Format